Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Post in New Blog

I've just finished reading the updated edition of Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly, having become hooked on his No Reservations series on the Travel Channel. Hence the (Construction) ManagementConfidential handle.

So I switched off my old blog as it was becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate posts meant for family, for friends, for professional colleagues, and for my CSR and voluntary activities.

This was made abundantly clear when the three (superior to me in rank and pay scale/grade) white jokers who shall henceforth be known as Tardy Tom, Tiny Dick, and Hairy Harry sent me a memorandum to attend a California Department of Industrial Relations Cal/OSHA workshop I believed had to do with my CSR activities in disaster relief and recent experience in BIOHAZARDous projects.

So I went, as any obedient, subservient, (read: GULLIBLE) employee should, to the Cal-Trans Building, downtown LA, to attend the advisory meeting on "General Industry Safety Orders chapter 4, subchapter 7, section 5193, bloodborne pathogens."

This former adult film industry worker did not attend the meeting

The workshop turned out to be a subcommittee meeting to discuss Control Measures for Bloodborne Pathogens in the Adult Film Industry.

Well, the joke's on you, Tardy Tom, Tiny Dick, Hairy Harry. I stayed on for the entire meeting and made new buxom female friends, albeit in the adult film industry. I'm guessing you three went home to your loyal wives (who shall hear about this) after a few beverages at the C&B?

And remember the phrase, you learn a new thing everyday? Guess what, I'm not telling but hear this: I'm going to a certain gentleman's club this weekend as a VIP guest with VIP privileges. Feel free to enlighten me please... what is a lap dance? How much does it typically cost? And should I turn THEM down when offered freely?

The other phrase worth remembering: Revenge is a sweet, savory, spicy dish best served... how would you like yours sirs? rare, medium rare, medium, well done, or COLD? You are more than welcome to join me on any future projects I get assigned to.... Call OSHA and your insurance company first.

In other, more serious, news, is anyone else attending seminars or classes for the CalOSHA Blaster’s Examination? Need notes to brush up on my NONEL Initiation Systems.

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