Wednesday, August 25, 2010

State of US Recession

The construction sector is one of the most cyclical of industries. It is the most visible indicator of the health of an economy. Wanna bet the individuals below once worked in construction?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Recovery & Off-Site Reuse of SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA &c

The construction sector in developed countries generates the most waste. Construction waste and demolition debris (C&D)  is the single largest contributor to landfills in the United States. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 150 million tons of building-related waste is generated annually, which is 25% to 40% of the national solid waste stream (of which 9% is construction waste, 38% is renovation waste, and 53% is demolition debris). EPA also estimates that only 20% of this C&D waste is being recycled.

Just one of over 100 crates and pallets delivered to my job site and then consigned to landfill

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) course I'm taking actively seeks to address this issue through green building practices. Minimize environmental impact by dramatically reducing waste to landfill, by encouraging and facilitating sustainable purchasing.

Construction Wastes Hierarchy

As the chart above shows, while off-site reuse of construction waste is low on the totem pole, it is not the worst. At the project closeout phase of a superior court I'd worked on up in NorCal, I noticed cases of cast steel alphabets that were destined for the nearest landfill. These letters were the smaller siblings of the "SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA" my team was installing.

Inspecting my crew's work-in-progress

The completed facade.

I had one of the laborers put two cases of the discarded letters in my truck. The cases remained in storage for a couple of years, forgotten.

Contemporary art now has subdivisions such as found art or  found object (objet trouvĂ©); commodity sculpture; trash art or junk art. The illustration below of an art installation shows how a collection of discarded industrial and plumbing valve handles (probably from a building's demolition) may be magically transformed into art.
Objet Trouvé of valve handles
The idea is pretty much the same for this piece of functional art, if one can call it that, composed of discarded heavy gauge steel.

Functional montage of distressed heavy gauge steel

In his book Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, William McDonough suggests technical waste should become industrial food. Why not food for art? Needless I'm motivated to make a work of art with all the materials I've collected over the years from past projects. Transforming "Superior Court of California" into a 'work of art' through anagrams is my latest work-in-progress. Though motivated, I doubt it will be anywhere near the league of my paternal uncle, foremost contemporary Indian sculptor Ravinder Reddy.

An inventory count of the letters I have at my disposal for an exercise or two in anagrams: S-U-P-E-R-I-O-R-C-O-U-R-T-O-F-C-A-L-I-F-O-R-N-I-A-O-F-O-A-A-O-O-T-S-U-C-L-N-O-F-I-P-U-I-R-I-R-R. Feel free to send me your anagrams, suggestions.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Signage & Wayfinding to the Milk Express

You gotta love California, if for anything, then for the lactation laws in place that give the nursing mummy the right to breastfeed in public. YAY, yummy mummies galore!

The Minimum Requirements of the California Lactation Accommodation Law effective since January 1, 2002 provides for, among other things.

Breastfeeding at Work: "Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature respectfully memorializes the Governor to declare by executive order that all State of California employees shall be provided with adequate facilities for breastfeeding, or the expressing of milk."

Jury Duty- Breastfeeding Mothers: "The Judicial Council shall adopt a standardized jury summons... [that] shall include a specific reference to the rules for breast-feeding mothers."

Not yet a US citizen and I've already been summoned for jury duty
Lactation Accommodation: "Every employer, including the state and any political subdivision, shall... make reasonable efforts to provide the employee with the use of a room or other location, other than a toilet stall, in close proximity to the employee's work area, for the employee to express milk in private."

So you've seen one of my previous posts on the old blog regarding a type of project I seldom get to work on: a brand new Superior Court of California. The illustrations that accompanied them are of the exterior. The one below is of the interior, specifically, the Lactation Room. On my last day at the project - I was assigned elsewhere and ordered to head to the nearest airport to catch the last flight to Las Vegas - I accompanied Mutzilla Matt, my head foreman, while he was conducting a preliminary punch-list. Guess where this architectural sign was installed? Guess again? Yup, outside the restroom/lavatory/toilet meant solely for judges.

LACTATION sign has since been relocated to it's correct place

Here's another illustration for a restroom for women designated together with staff locker rooms accessible to disabled (blind given the tactile Braille surface) men.

Lockers in the women's restroom are available to blind and wheelchair-bound men?

The construction industry is computed to be the most dangerous sector after the fishing industry. In the US, the construction sector employs about 6% of the workforce, but suffers 20% of the fatalities. Given the high general liability and workers compensation insurance premiums commanded of the construction sector, a typical project will have a majority of Cal/OSHA's 90 signs. After a couple of reported airborne attacks, the following sign was jury-rigged at one of my projects. Better safe than sorry when the ambulance-chasers come calling.

Another occupational hazard requiring hard hat and eye protection at all times.
Then there's my favorite: CUNT EXAMINATION

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Post in New Blog

I've just finished reading the updated edition of Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly, having become hooked on his No Reservations series on the Travel Channel. Hence the (Construction) ManagementConfidential handle.

So I switched off my old blog as it was becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate posts meant for family, for friends, for professional colleagues, and for my CSR and voluntary activities.

This was made abundantly clear when the three (superior to me in rank and pay scale/grade) white jokers who shall henceforth be known as Tardy Tom, Tiny Dick, and Hairy Harry sent me a memorandum to attend a California Department of Industrial Relations Cal/OSHA workshop I believed had to do with my CSR activities in disaster relief and recent experience in BIOHAZARDous projects.

So I went, as any obedient, subservient, (read: GULLIBLE) employee should, to the Cal-Trans Building, downtown LA, to attend the advisory meeting on "General Industry Safety Orders chapter 4, subchapter 7, section 5193, bloodborne pathogens."

This former adult film industry worker did not attend the meeting

The workshop turned out to be a subcommittee meeting to discuss Control Measures for Bloodborne Pathogens in the Adult Film Industry.

Well, the joke's on you, Tardy Tom, Tiny Dick, Hairy Harry. I stayed on for the entire meeting and made new buxom female friends, albeit in the adult film industry. I'm guessing you three went home to your loyal wives (who shall hear about this) after a few beverages at the C&B?

And remember the phrase, you learn a new thing everyday? Guess what, I'm not telling but hear this: I'm going to a certain gentleman's club this weekend as a VIP guest with VIP privileges. Feel free to enlighten me please... what is a lap dance? How much does it typically cost? And should I turn THEM down when offered freely?

The other phrase worth remembering: Revenge is a sweet, savory, spicy dish best served... how would you like yours sirs? rare, medium rare, medium, well done, or COLD? You are more than welcome to join me on any future projects I get assigned to.... Call OSHA and your insurance company first.

In other, more serious, news, is anyone else attending seminars or classes for the CalOSHA Blaster’s Examination? Need notes to brush up on my NONEL Initiation Systems.